Fluidly weaving whimsical and vibrant dreamlike worlds of cinema and cinematic audio, Dakota fosters curiosity and creativity as an actor, writer, director, and executive producer—crafting dynamic creations that embody the unique spirit of each project.
Suicide Tom
A film about my father’s suicide and its effect on family.
With images flickering on a wall from a 8mm projector, Dakota used a video camera to record images that his father had filmed of his own life. Weaving together this imagery with personal conversations of his sister’s distant yet organic voice and music featuring Chumbawumba, Travis Magrane, Jess Smith (credited as Jeff) and Soltero to create a visual and sonic narrative tapestry.
25th IFP NYC
“…you see mystery and whimsy everywhere!”
-Fred A.
“Love, Love, Love.”
-Rosa P.
“I love this!!”
-Jane W.
“Love your voice… Beautiful”
-Stasha M.
“Ahahahaha. This is so great!”
-Maia L.